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SEO for Beginners – How to Rank in Search

Today we’re going to go over the beginner’s guide to SEO. What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is the work that enters into your website. So it’s the actual work you need to do to prove to Google and other search engines that you’re the most appropriate answer and the most trusted for search queries about your products or your business.

Those two things: Relevance and Trust, are what Google is looking for to determine which websites it should put on the first page.

When we talk about Google, we use that term Interchangeably for all search engines because there are 167 billion searches on Google every month which’s quite a lot.

Most of the searches take place on Google, so we’re just going to use Google Interchangeably. It’s mean that the 167 billion pound gorilla in the room, so we’ll take it that way. So SEO like why?

why is it important? Why should we invest our time, energy, and money in it?

Search engines, they’re the new Yellow Pages. This is where people go to find answers. Billions and billions of searches occur every month, and many of them are for your products and services.

So if you’re not showing up on the search results page, you’re missing out on a vast untapped potential of all those customers who want to type your products into the search bar and buy? 88% of people research before they buy, and where do they research? That’s huge.

So let’s go to, and what’s an example of an industry to look at? – Let’s try lawyers. – Lawyers. Their business is coming up big.

Something like that: What I just typed into the search bar is called a Query, and that’s a phrase or a question that you’re looking for answers for.

This can include your keywords; for example, Attorney is a keyword, and Phoenix, Arizona is probably a keyword.

Now let’s look at the three different parts of the Search Engine Results Page, also known as SERP (Search Engine Results Page). The first two sections are the ads – paid ads, and usually, you can recognize them because they have a tiny ad flag. This is the local map listings section.

These are just local businesses. So if you’re serving a national audience or don’t have a physical location, you’re not going to show up. The way you show up is you have to have excellent Search Engine Optimization on your website, and you also have to have an optimized Google My Business profile.

The next and last part is the organic results. This is where you wish to be because, unlike the paid ads, you have to pay for these, and once your ad budget is used up, you’re not there anymore.

But with these ads, you’re proving to Google over time that you’re the most relevant and trustworthy answer, and then you’ll be here for a long, long time as long as you continue to show Google that you’re better than your competition. And people love that.

Many people are trained to skip the ads and go straight to the organic results, even though ads are very effective. So we want to go back to the beginning and talk about:

keywords and keyword competitiveness

Keywords are things that we’re going to talk about that you need to put throughout your website.

It’s those keywords that people are searching for, so you need to make sure that you have those on your website. Some are much more competitive than others. So if you search for “attorney Phoenix, Arizona,” there are about 32 million results. That’s pretty broad. Phoenix is a pretty big city.

If we change it to something less competitive, say a dog groomer – dog groomer Phoenix, Arizona, with only 2.3 million results.

That’s great if you’re a dog groomer because that means it’s easier to show up on the first page for that search term if you’re doing the right SEO. Unlike lawyers who put a lot of money into advertising, it’s a very, very, very competitive field. There are always people fighting for those top spots.

Should we just put in short search terms? Is there something else we can use? Initially no. With Google, you have to start small with what they call long-tail keywords, so keywords with a total of three, four, five, six words, because you have to prove your authority in the small, less competitive areas before Google realizes that you should be ranking for these broader terms.

So, for this example, if we’re a dog groomer, let’s say I specialize in poodle grooming.

So we’ll change it to “poodle groomer Phoenix, Arizona.” And you can see the competitiveness. There are only 300 thousand search results, so that’s great because there are not that many people putting poodle grooming on their website. So that’s an excellent opportunity for us to start building that authority on Google.

So remember, if we’re a dog groomer, and you go to our website. There’s absolutely nothing on there about dog grooming. It’s just our name, our phone number, and maybe a photo. Google‘s going to look at that and think that it doesn’t say anything about it – it’s not relevant, so that person must not be suitable for that keyword. They’re probably not a dog groomer at all.

Our work is to make sure that all of our website content is relevant to those keywords. All right, so you’re saying that all I need to do is update just a little bit of content on my website? Not quite, so remember that we’re not only doing this for our users, so they have information but also for Google.

Google wants our sites to be structured in a particular way. Ultimately, it’s a robot that scans our website’s back-end, so the back-end data.

Google wants to make sure that we have it formatted to read it and know our website quickly. So that’s things like our H1 tag, our metadata, meta descriptions.

Google looks at your website when it wants to rank a website. So we need to know how to code to do this? Not necessarily, because modern website builders already have that built-in. As you see some websites, use a plugin for WordPress called “All in One SEO” that insert, and it makes it super easy for you as a non-technical user to update all these SEO elements, which is excellent.

As part of that, you need to set your meta title, so this is the title of every part of your site when you return to the Search Engine Results Page.

So those are the basics of SEO, the Search Engine Results Page, everything on your website. – We just talked about everything you need to do on your website, so now let’s talk about the things outside the website.

This shows Google that you are the most trusted search results answer. Explain trust a little bit more, so I have an analogy. Let’s say you get a call one day from a fifth-grader who says, “Hey, Alex is the best basketball player in the whole world.

” Are you going to believe him? – Probably not. I think you paid him. All right, what if Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and Michael Jordan called you and said, “Hey, I got the scoop on this new player, Alex. He is the best basketball player in the whole world”.

What would you say to that? Would you believe them? Absolutely yes. They have authority, so you’re going to trust their opinion, and so it is with Google.

The way Google can tell if your website is trustworthy because, again, we could praise ourselves all day long. And we see this constantly. People say, “Best dog groomer in Phoenix, Arizona,” People love to toot their own horn, but on Google.

It requires that authority from other people, and that’s where Backlinks come in. Backlinks are links on various other websites that point to your website, and Google uses that as an indicator to see.

Backlinks are about quality over quantity. You don’t want to go on the internet and put your you know on every comment, every YouTube comment, just everywhere on your website because that’s going to look spammy. Google won’t like that. It wants high quality.

The biggest thing you can do that will give you so much bang for your buck is to put content on your site, especially content with your keywords.

You should have a separate page of content about that particular service that you provide. That’s what we recommend. Make sure your page has tons of content so that users and, ultimately, Google knows exactly what it’s about, and then Google will start ranking you.

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